Vary Lumar recognize the need for more Christopher Cross covers, release ‘Sailing’

It’s just not summer without spending a decent amount of time listening to Christopher Cross’ 1979 soft rock hit “Sailing” (and if you’re feeling particularly Yacht Rocky, additional time with “Never Be The Same”, “Ride Like The Wind”, and this writer’s personal favorite, “Arthur’s Theme (Best That You Can Do)”.

Boston rock band Vary Lumar, who once upon a time performed as classic-era Smashing Pumpkins at one of our Halloween parties, have the Cross bug as well, taking the famed San Antonian’s most familiar work and morphing it into a reflective prog-rock number that’s as liquidy as the water under your beloved boat. It’s not a particularly new cover for Vary Lumar, as they explain on Facebook, but it’s new to listeners, and we can all download it for the nice-price of free via their Bandcamp.

“As we continue chip away at new material in our secret headquarters, we figured it would be fun to release this little number we recorded as a Kickstarter reward shortly after completing Breaker,” Vary Lumar write. “It’s not really indicative of anything we’ve been up to lately, but we figured that the world at large could probably use some more Christopher Cross covers.”

We agree. If anyone wants to take on “Arthur’s Theme”, feel free to email us at Thanks.