
‘All Your Dreams Are Here’: Listen to Contact’s ice-splitting new single ‘Never Stop’

Here at Vanyaland we move pretty fast: We hear a song, we like a song, we post about a song. But on occasion we’ve been known to sides-step that process, and take a different course when a song comes our way that needs to be properly processed. Last Friday, Boston electronic-pop trio Contact released their latest single, “Never Stop”, via Doghouse Records, and while our initial reaction was to ride its synthy ice structure like a chariot into the electro-pop galaxy, we showed some unusual restraint.

A few days in, and we still have their post-apocalyptic pop wreaking havoc inside our heads.

It’s another complex and layered musical take from Contact, who have a knack for giving glacial sounds a certain weightlessness and whose 2014 single “Fascination Shadow” still gets a fair share of love-spins from us on VanyaRadio. This time around, the effect is augmented by vocals from Nicole Marie, who — full disclosure alert! — once hosted an alt-pop show on our radio channel called HeartBeats. Doing business recently as Orchids, Marie’s collaboration with Contact’s Matt Rhoades and Austin Bryant is a promising one (the vocal trade-offs between Marie and Rhodes helps separate the trio from the rest of the crowded electro-pop field), and we’re already excited to hear what else is on the horizon.

Hear “Never Stop” via iTunes or Spotify, or preview a condensed version via Soundcloud.