It’s Patriots’ Day in Massachusetts, so listen to the Off Chance’s sentimental ode to ‘Boston’

We’re not sure if they’ve ever done any scientific studies on this, but Patriots’ Day in Massachusetts is by far the best day on the local calendar. It annually marks the unofficial first day of spring, and the athletic prowess displayed during the Boston Marathon is matched only by the volume of drinking and BBQ consumption across patios throughout the city. And the Red Sox play at 11 a.m., which is weird and awesome and we just think more professional sporting events should take place before noon on a Monday. It helps ease in the workweek.

To celebrate all this and our fair city that we all love and adore (when we’re not busy hating the shit out of it), Boston pop-rock trio the Off Chance have released their own ode to our town, appropriately titled “Boston”. It’s a prideful guirar-pop tune with plenty of references to local landmarks, like Interstate 93, Fenway Park, the Charles River, and Boston Common.

The love song is “dedicated to our city and the people that make it great”, the Off Chance’s Maldi Kellici tells Vanyaland. Fix yourself an adult beverage and listen to “Boston” below.