Don’t Drop The Ball: Five things to do around Rhode Island on New Year’s Eve

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New Year’s Eve is a time for all sorts of things. It’s a time for reflection, catching up with old friends, and maybe even reaching out to your most recent flame to keep you warm at night. It’s also a time for going out, having fun, indulging in various libations, and concluding the year with a hangover inducing bang (or just a bang if you plan on staying sober).

Because us at Vanyaland genuinely care about you enjoying yourself and your surroundings this New Year’s Eve, here are five great shows happening around Rhode Island that shouldn’t be missed. If you can’t go to all of them, at least try to go to one. Whether 2015 treated you well or treated you poorly, please remember to celebrate safely and responsibly — a New Year is right around the corner.

Start it with good intentions.

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