201V: Rob Duguay’s Top 10 Providence Songs of 2015

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10. Lovesick, “Request More Time”

They haven’t been around for a calendar year yet and Lovesick are already being hailed as the best new band in Providence. The trio consisting of vocalist and guitarist Manny Brooks, drummer Josh Rodriguez and bassist Nathan Thao Phrathep know how to bring it every time. They have a sound that harks back to the greatness of ’80s and early ’90s alternative rock, reminiscent of Guided By Voices, Nirvana, and Sebadoh. There’s also a little bit of an old school lo-fi vibe as well. “Request More Time” is an excellent example of a trio of kids who are barely old enough to get a drink at the clubs they play at but who are also beyond their years when it comes to creativity. You’ll dig the pop hooks and Brooks’ poetic lyrics.

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