Hova’s Board: Jay Z and Alicia Keys to speak at Harvard Business School next year

This past February was one of the worst months in Massachusetts history, as 65 inches of snow fell on the Boston area and everyone pretty much hated everything. February 2016, however, already looks promising, as Jay Z and Alicia Keys will stop by the Harvard Business School to join a panel at the African-American Student Union’s 44th Annual H. Naylor Fitzhugh Conference.

Here’s more from our friends at Boston Magazine, where writer Matt Juul wins the Lede Of The Week award with this gem: “’I’m not a business man, I’m a business, man,’ is just some of the advice we expect Jay Z to give when he stops by the Harvard Business School this winter.”


The hip-hop icon and entrepreneur will be joining Alicia Keyes, American Express CEO Kenneth Chenault, and former governor Deval Patrick as the keynote speakers for the African-American Student Union’s 44th Annual H. Naylor Fitzhugh Conference. The event, dubbed “Transcend: Redefining Expectations,” will take place at the HBS Soldiers Field campus February 5-7.

According to the group’s website, this year’s conference aims to “celebrate African-American achievements, inspire many new milestones, and provide a forum for attendees to take on issues facing our community.” Topics ranging from expanding the definition of diversity to how the business community can take on social injustice will be the main focus of the event.

The afterparty and jazz brunch will be hosted by Darryl’s Corner Bar & Kitchen on Columbus Avenue in Boston, which fans can attend for $30 without having to hit up the discussion. Tickets to the Harvard conference are priced at $100 for students and $150 for professionals, and are available via aasuconference2016.eventbrite.com.