EP Premiere: Providence’s Jets Can’t Land serve up a skilled power-pop punch

Discovering pure power-pop in Rhode Island is no easy task, but Providence rock and roll quartet Jets Can’t Land seem to have it down to a science on their new EP You Can’t Linger On. A sound that’s an amalgamation of tones reminiscent of Sloan, Big Star, and Cheap Trick, the foursome keep it real with tight hooks and groovy guitar solos. Songs about the apocalypse, sci-fi films, and the shit that hurts give a sense of hopeless romantic nerdiness shouting out to the closeted individuals who also want to take someone out on a date.

Frontman and guitarist Eric Paul Meier lyrically gives a bit of a Roy Orbison vibe, a grand mix of catchy choruses, pop and being genuine. Kyle Jackson (whom you may know from local indie rock band Six Star General) gives a jolt of energy on lead guitar; his solos really stand out throughout the entire EP. Keith Swist soothes on backing vocals along with keeping the rhythms in check while on drums in sync with bassist Michael Bioldeau. These guys bring their best artistic qualities out with each track on You Can’t Linger On, but still find a way to blend together as a cohesive unit. It sums up as heartfelt, bare bones rock that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Celebrating the new EP, which you can hear below via Vanyaland premiere, Jets Can’t Land are actually part of a quadruple album release show at The Parlour this Saturday. Outlaw In Peru will be releasing their self-titled debut; Everett Bros. Moving Company (fronted by former Blizzard of ’78 vocalist Paul Everett) will be bringing their album Moving Misfortune; and Feng Shui Police and their caffienated EP Coffee With The Feng Shui Police will also be available as well. It’s all being put on by Warren-based label 75orLess Records. You can’t get more local than that.

Until the weekend arrives, stream You Can’t Linger On below and check out all the amazing music that’ll be at The Parlour this Saturday.

Featured photo by Juan Carlos Cano Barrera

Jets Flyer