Old Stripes: Here’s what Jack White will look like as a 90 year old man

Halloween 2015 was pretty wild. Tool dressed up and performed as Led Zeppelin, LeBron James dressed up and performed as Prince, and Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys dressed up as the Riddler. Crazy shit all around.

As for Jack White, the one-time White Stripe gave us a glimpse into the future by dressing up as a 90-year-old man. It’s a little bit Doc Brown from Back To The Future, a little bit Johnny Knoxville’s Bad Grandpa.

“90 year old #JackWhite made it back in time for our #devilsnight show on Friday,” Third Man Records just wrote on Instagram. “Before leaving, he told us that #thirdmanrecords is a global nuclear conglomerate in the year 2065 since music has been outlawed. #audiosocialdissent”

Makes total sense. We wonder what Dave Grohl dressed up as…