Scream With Moz: Listen to the Smithsfits, a band that combines the Smiths and Misfits

With Halloween arriving at the stroke of midnight, it appears there is a fright that never goes out. And it goes by the name the Smithsfits.

The band — which has been around for a while and we can’t believe isn’t the biggest thing in the world by now — combines the music of the Smiths and the Misfits, with the songs less parts mashup and more just adapted covers in the styles of each other. It’s truly Some Kinda Viva Hate.

In the three-song Soundcloud collection, posted below, we have “I Want The Skulls I Can’t Have,” “Still Evil,” and “Please Please Please Let Me Get The Hybrid Moment I Want.”

In a time of year in which every city across America has at least one band playing a set as either the Smiths or the Misfits (in Boston we have Four Point Restraints taking on Moz and Marr tomorrow night at O’Brien’s in Allston, and feel free to ask a punk about the inevitable “Misfits” gig in some basement somewhere tonight), the notion of combining the two is blowing our silly little minds this morning.

And to hear “I hack the heads off little girls” by a Morrissey impersonator is probably the high point of Halloween 2015.

Listen in below, and proudly sport that Handsome Devilock…