Listen to 20,000 people sing Hozier’s ‘Take Me To Church’ Sunday night at Boston Calling

By the time Hozier took the stage for a penultimate performance last night at Boston Calling, the weekend had already seen about 20 bands, countless selfies, and the rise of a motherfucking super blood moon.

That last part helped make the Irish performers set all the more surreal, and there was perhaps no other moment more anticipated than Hozier breaking out his hymnal-like breakout hit, “Take Me To Church.” And you just knew the 20,000-strong crowd at City Hall Plaza were ready for it.

In one of the first of many videos to come, we’re sure, check out fan-filmed footage of “Take Me To Church” below. The immediate folks around the cameraperson in the first clip drown out the rest of the audience, but you can faintly hear all the other voices piling on top of each other in the background. It was Sunday, it was “Church,” and we were all worshipping a big red thing in the sky while a big Irish guy on stage was delivering musical salvation.