Pop Prescription: Listen to Tribe Society team up with Kiesza on ‘Pain Told Love’

For the better part of 2015, New York pop-rock group Tribe Society have been knocking on fame’s door, releasing a string of teaser singles, covers, and live clips …and even their own mixtape. Now, the band born from of the ashes of Boston’s Gentlemen Hall have kicked down that door with “Pain Told Love,” an exciting new joint that features guest vocals from “Hideaway” singer Kiesza.

“We want this music to grab you and let you look at things in a way you may have never looked at them before,” said synth player Bradford Alderman a few months ago in an Island Records press release, and that idea holds true on “Pain Told Love,” a slow-burn song that rides the line between ballad and anthem, complete with Seth Hachen’s flute giving it a sonic quality unheard in today’s pop landscape.

At one point in the song, Gavin McDevitt sings, “You gotta make a friend of pain because hurricanes make flowers grow,” and we’re just sitting here like “True.” Get your pop prescription via Soundcloud below…