Larger Than Life: Boy band singer collapses on flight after wearing too many clothes to avoid excess baggage fee

Baggage fees are a serious issue. And they concern everyone, from the random business traveler to upstart boy bands.

Recently, a member of Scottish boy band Rewind was hospitalized after applying too many layers of clothing in order to avoid shelling out $70 to check his luggage.

According to the NME, 19-year-old James McElvar became ill on an EasyJet flight from Essex to Glasgow yesterday after boarding the plane decked out in six t-shirts, five jumpers, three pairs of jeans, two pairs of sweatpants, two jackets and two hats.

And no, he didn’t want it that way.

Here’s more from the NME, which cites a report in the UK newspaper the Sun:

The Sun reports that McElvar wore 12 layers of clothing after facing an additional charge of £45 for having too many bags.

The newspaper states that McElvar “became violently ill and suffered a fit” with “an off-duty paramedic treat[ing] him as passengers looked on”.

“I thought I was a goner and that I was having a heart attack,” the singer told The Sun.

“The woman said either one bag went in the hold or we weren’t getting on. The rest of the band had gone through so I couldn’t give them any of the clothes. I was told I’d either have to pay a £45 fee to get it on the plane, get the flight the next morning, bin the clothes or wear them.”

Last night, Rewind tweeted out that ol’ James is doing just fine.