Still Easy: Dragonette kick off an endless summer with new electro-pop jam ‘Let The Night Fall’

The greatest aspect of summer is the eternal promise of spontaneity. Every morning from early June to Labor Day the thought of saying “fuck it” and driving off somewhere far away gives us a jolt of excitement, and even if that feeling subsides and the carefree notion of blowing off work, school, or other commitments eventually gives way to the responsibility of the day, that fleeting moment of potential freedom reminds us we’re still alive. And there’s always tomorrow, after all.

Dragonette have now given us a song for that feeling. A summery and resplendent electro-pop jam about innocent euphoria and endless nights driving around, “smoking some,” and hanging with people you kinda-sorta know, “Let The Night Fall” is the sound of youth you had to let go of but never really wanted to.

The Toronto pop group have been laying kinda low lately, but this new spontaneous track is a good reminder of how infectious Dragonette can be when on their game. And since their last studio LP was 2012’s Bodyparts, we’re sure this is a sign of more new jams to come.

Listen to “Let The Night Fall” via Soundcloud below…