Thank You Bay State God: Watch Lil B’s very rare and very special lecture at MIT

When we noticed that rapper Lil B was going to give a lecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, we couldn’t believe it. The Based God has done the college talk circuit before, speaking at New York University in 2012, when, as Pitchfork notes, he gave students gems like this: “Every single person you meet, look at them like a golden million dollar baby.” But this was our hood, this was MIT, and this was going to be very rare and very special.

Rarer and specialer.

The Fader has come through with a full transcript of Lil B’s MIT lecture from Friday night, which should be required reading for students at any school. He touches on many things, like love, hope, the app he’s developing for vegan company Follow Your Heart, the situation in Ferguson, and Kevin Durant. And he even freestyles at the end.

Video of his lecture is now popping up on YouTube, and you can make up for not being there in person via the videos below.

Thank you.

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