Fall In Love For The Weekend: Vérité headlines our V:Music launch party tonight in Cambridge

It feels like forever since we first stumbled upon the Soundcloud page for Vérité. With only a few thousand spins and a couple of hundred Facebook likes, we knew New York electro-pop future star was ready to explode, and tracks like “Weekend” and “Strange Enough” were the next big songs to further push “alt-pop” into the mainstream. Tonight we host her debut Boston live performance at T.T. The Bear’s Place in Cambridge, doubling as the launch of our V:Music live music and dance party series, and we couldn’t be prouder.

Since we fast-tracked Vérité’s songs to regular rotation on Vanya Radio several months ago, the singer has garnered a heathy bit of national acclaim. As we count down the hours to the V:Music party — which also features Boston-bred electronic pop acts Pale Hands and Radclyffe Hall, as well as DJ sets our own Michael V of The Pill — let’s take a quick scan of what the digital papers are saying about the one and only Vérité. Spoiler alert: There are comparisons to everyone from Ellie Goulding to Lana Del Rey below.

The “Weekend” starts now, everyone.

Billboard: Hear ‘Echo’ from the rising pop artist

New York singer-songwriter Vérité has only released a handful of songs in her young career, but those entrancing indie-pop tracks have made quite an impression, with praise coming from Buzzfeed, Neon Gold, Pigeons & Planes and more. … With heavy production from Elliot Jacobson offsetting Vérité’s delicate voice, “Echo” positions the singer as an artist capable of delivering a sweeping hook while emphasizing the subtler details of her arrangements.

Pigeons & Planes: On “Strange Enough”

Personal but far from bedroom music, “Strange Enough” eschews hushed intimacy for a sweeping, heart-on-sleeve emotional display given life by dynamic production and a mostly restrained performance that soars when the moment commands.

Neon Gold: Hang our noose under stars bright

VÉRITÉ‘s been all up on our radar in a big way since unleashing debut single “Heartbeat” and sophomore stunner “Strange Enough” on the world earlier this year, but today marks a quantum leap to the next level with her latest offering “Weekend”. Revving to life like an open-road Lana heartbreaker racing down dimly lit streets, it steadily picks up steam as it transforms into an absolute belter of alt pop escapism that feels entirely her own. From the teen dream lyrics to its skywriter synths and supercharged vocals, “Weekend” is one of the best unsigned records you’ll hear all year, and yet another reason we’re quite sure that VÉRITÉ is the absolute truth and then some.

SPIN: 5 Artists To Watch In November

At CMJ last month, this New York singer turned heads with her throbbing electro-pop-minded songs. Vérité worked closely with drummer and producer Ethan Jacobson on her recently released debut EP, Echo, which features four incredibly strong club-ready cuts. The title track pirouettes on itself as Vérité wraps her vocals around the in-your-face drum machine, but project-closer “Heartbeat” demonstrates a keen ear for songwriting. “We are dim romantic sparks / We all fall down / So we can all cover our eyes / Fun explosions in the skies,” Vérité coos, her vocals evoking those of Ingrid Michaelson or Sarah Bareilles — that is, if they were processed and packaged for late-night basement parties instead.

Buzzfeed: 14 Artists Who [Alt]ered Pop In 2014

This week’s most blogged about artist has been compared to Ellie Goulding, Jessie Ware and BROODS. I think it’s safe to say VÉRITÉ, with the help of Elliot Jacobson’s production prowess, will continue to surprise us with her electrifying individuality.

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See you on the dance floor.

VERITE + PALE HANDS + RADCLYFFE HALL + DJ MICHAEL V :: Friday, November 21 @ T.T. The Bear’s Place, 10 Brookline St., Cambridge :: 8:30 p.m., 18-plus, $8 advance and $10 at the door :: Advance tickets :: Facebook event page :: Do617 event page

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