Blue Velvet Evening: Watch the Daily Pravda & Ruby Rose Fox perform as Lana Del Rey on HalloVVeen

Halloween is still fading away in the rear-view mirror, but HalloVVeen is still fresh in our memories. A while back we posted Vary Lumar’s rousing performance as Smashing Pumpkins during our holiday costume party bash at Great Scott, and now video evidence of another participant has surfaced.

The Daily Pravda recruited vocalist Ruby Rose Fox and organist Josh Kantor to form a sort-of supergroup in recreating the sounds of Lana Del Rey. While most Halloween cover sets keep things true to form, Pravda Del Rey allowed for some greater experimentation, pairing male-female vocals and an expanded sonic delivery. Witness it for yourself below.

Meanwhile, here’s what next for the Lana folk: the Daily Pravda should have a new single out shortly to celebrate their show November 26 at the Sinclair with the Sheila Divine, Mean Creek, and the Life Electric; Ruby Rose Fox performs next on December 9 at Atwood’s Tavern for the Guestlisted party with Hallelujah the Hills, When Particles Collide, and Nate Leavitt; and Kantor returns to Fenway Park for the Red Sox home opener April 13 against the Washington Nationals (yay interleague play!)

For the full list of Pravda Del Rey videos, click here.

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Pravda Sinclair

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