New Waven: Listen to the debut single from Connecticut synth-punks Glamour Assassins

Debut songs are tricky. There’s a tendency to blow a musical load, to crash the scene and announce an emphatic arrival to the world. But there’s also a need to leave the listener wanting more, and hook them on the comeback.

“Phantom Of The Disco,” the sleek new synth-punk track from New Haven’s Glamour Assassins, does the latter while satisfying initial cravings. It purrs along just under the sonic current, a chant-along chorus riding a new wave over a shimmering synth line. And you could just tell that, in due time, this band is ready to explode with nervous energy.

Boston music fans may recognize some of the players here from bands like Televandals and Dirty Bombs, but they’re not getting caught up in past associations. “It doesn’t matter who we are, how we met or where we grew up,” reads their on-point presser. “No one cares, and we don’t blame them. All that matters is the music.”

More music is en route via debut album Ain’t So Young, due out sometime next year. It was recorded by producer Joey Mascola and mastered by Grammy-nominated mastering engineer Emily Lazar of The Lodge in New York.

Check out “Phantom Of The Disco” below, and catch the Assassins live on Halloween night at Stella Blues in New Haven.

Glamour Assassins