Feeling Manchester: Keanu Reeves picks Joy Division’s ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’ as his favorite song

Master thespian and former Dogstar bassist Keanu Reeves took part in a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) yesterday to promote his upcoming film John Wick. Among typically banal answers about his favorite fruit (“A really fresh, ripe peach — slightly chilled”) and his hockey goaltending influence (Jacques Plante), the star of such cinematic touchstones as Street Kings and River’s Edge took it to a whole other level when asked what his favorite song might be.

“Today I am going to pick: “Love Will Tear Us Apart” by Joy Division!” Neo enthused.

Keanu Joy Reddit

Reeves’ choosing what is perhaps the greatest musical composition of the 20th Century doesn’t come as a complete surprise. In a 2000 interview with Rolling Stone, when he graced the cover of the magazine, Reeves got downright Ted Logan when waxing on his bass-playing influence, one Peter Hook of Joy Division and New Order.

“It’s kind of a bass line but a melody line,” he said. “And kind of romantically epic, in a gothic kind of way.”

And while that’s just the sort of thing one might expect Sad Keanu to say, he’s got more than enough reasons to cheer up — including the fact that John Wick is currently sitting pretty on Rotten Tomatoes with a 100% freshness rating. That’s got to take a bit of the sting out of that unwelcome Point Break remake coming out next year.

John Wick opens in theaters everywhere October 24, and on a related note, Peter Hook & the Light perform the classic New Order records Lowlife and Brotherhood at Royale in Boston on November 8. Hooky’s other band, Slaves of Venus, will open the show with a set of Joy Division classics. Like this one, probably…