He Is The Eggman: Here’s a cool dad who turns ordinary pancakes into the freakin’ Beatles

When I was a little kid my Aunt Jo would sometimes babysit me and together we’d try to make Star Wars-themed pancakes. Giant blobs would end up being Jabba The Hut or a deformed R2D2 and any skinny shapes were C3PO or IG-88 if we squinted really hard and looking back on this folly it was clear we both sucked at shaping pancakes into anything realistic but they were still tastier than Princess Leia on Jabba’s sail barge. We had fun, and that’s what cool Aunts are for.

Two kids in Port Angeles, Washington, however, are having better luck with their pancake characters, as their dad, Nathan Shields, seems to be a fucking wiz at it. Back in May he was given props by Buzzfeed for his culinary creations, which he perfects by using squeeze-bottle precision and a non-stick pan, and shortly afterwards, he took on the Beatles.

Some have a Rubber Soul. Shields’ is made of batter.

Check out the video below. For something a bit more seasonal, check the skull pancake tutorial he posted yesterday. And to shame my family completely, peep his Star Wars flapjacks, via that Buzzfeed link, after the jump.

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Shields Pancakes