Un-glorious Parking Lot: Mineral victimized by yet another St. Louis tour van break-in

Reunited ’90s emo band Mineral have been on the road this month for what’s been a very successful reunion tour, the influential-but-short-lived Texas outfit’s first run of shows disbanding in 1997. Just a week ago, they played a jam-packed gig at the Paradise Rock Club in Boston.

But Mineral experienced a huge set back early this morning after a show in St. Louis, when they realized their tour van had been broken into.

Mineral relayed the news this morning via social media:

ALERT: After our show this evening in St Louis at the Firebird we went to celebrate Chris’ birthday by going bowling at Flamingo Bowl. Shortly after 1am our van was broken into and all of our belongings were stolen.

Thousands and thousands of dollars in personal electronics, a cash box with several shows worth of merch sales, clothing, invaluable intellectual property, and many many other items. Our rear cargo hold with most of the gear was thankfully left safe. The van was locked, we specifically paid to park in a well lit lot with an attendant. When we came out 30 min later, attendant was gone, locks popped off, and belongings gone.

Please if anyone in the area has any information email us at mineral@officialmineral.com. There have been many burglaries targeting band vehicles and clubs in the St Louis area, please repost/share and help spread the word so other traveling bands are more aware and alert of their surroundings and decision making.

This is just the latest in a series of incidents in the St. Louis area regarding van break-ins. Here’s just some of the recent burglaries that have gone down in that area in the past year for touring acts rolling through the city:

September 11, 2014: Field Vision, not once but twice

August 21, 2014: Traitors robbed in St. Louis; blame promoter

July 2, 2014: Felice Brothers Robbed in St. Louis; This Is Getting Ridiculous

June 25, 2014: Eyehategod Robbed In St. Louis, Thousands Taken

May 14, 2014: RIVERS OF NIHIL Suffer Van Break-In, Belongings Stolen

December 12, 2013: Seaway Robbed In St. Louis

April 16, 2013: Jeff Loomis Robbed in St. Louis, Asks for Donations to Continue Tour