The Weekend Starts Now: Listen to the debut dance-jam anthem from Boston’s Party Bois

Foe the past few months there have been rumblings about a new dance project from a few notable Boston rock and roll dudes, a slightly anonymous project that’s putting the fun at the forefront of promotion.

Now, as the weekend reaches out to pull us from our anti-social cubicles, those whispers become a purr with “In Your Head,” the debut dance-jam anthem from the crew that calls themselves Party Bois.

Maybe another media outlet will spill the participants’ wiggly-bean identity — spoiler alert: it’s Keith Piece of Mellow Bravo, J/Q’s Johnny Northrup, and Nick Zampiello, James Towlson and Rob Gonnella — but for now we’ll do up our hair and paint our nails and get ready for Friday with some old-school r&B funk vibes.

Meanwhile Party Bois perform their first not-secret gig on September 11, at DJ Paul Foley’s Decade dance party at Zuzu in Cambridge. “Boston finally has a band to fill the enormous void left by the Power Station (RIP Robert Palmer),” writes Foley. “Bang a gong… get it on!”

Now that’s real.

Decade 911