Friday Freakout: Zip-Tie Handcuffs’ ‘Psychotic Dance’ is just on some other shit entirely

We’re officially declaring it Fuck It Friday over here at Vanya HQ, as there’s a million rad things going on this weekend and it’s just too nice out there outside to be sitting indoors somewhere slaving away for The Man. Helping soundtrack this desk-flippin’, fight-startin’, shoulder-swingin’, booze-swiggin’, empty-bag-of-fuck-havin’ fling into the brand new good times is Zip-Tie Handcuffs‘ rollicking new song and video, “Psychotic Dance.”

The riffy Boston trio are playing O’Brien’s Pub in Allston next Thursday, September 11, with Boogie Boy Metal Mouth and the New Highway Hymnal, and when we first smelled this video last night we figured we’d post it sometime next week… you know, to help promote the show.

But screw it.

This fucker just sounds too much like the warm glaze of Friday’s sweet freedom and we’ve been spinning it on a loop all afternoon, so let’s fire it up now and watch it a million times before the show arrives. Maybe we’ll just write about it again on Thursday.

This shit kills.

[embedvideo id=”pzcTNALfdBQ” website=”youtube”]

Hymnal Flyer