God Hates Emosexuals: Westboro Baptist Church parodies Panic At The Disco with anti-gay cover

Credit: Onward State

Back in March, the Westboro Baptist Church parodied Lorde’s “Royals,” using the pop star’s buzz to raise their stupid visibility and spread their dumb-ass message. Now, bizarrely, they’ve taken on Panic At The Disco with “You Love Sin What A Tragedy,” a take on the post-emo pop band’s 2006 song “I Write Sins Not Tragedies.”

The terrible song was posted on Soundcloud this week, according to the hate mongers, “just in time for WBC to picket [Panic At The Disco] at Crossroads in Kansas City on July 20, 2014.”

If there’s anything that deserves protest, it’s those damn emo-sexuals.

Here’s a sampling of the song’s lyrics, which are posted in full after the Soundcloud jump: “Oh! You all say/It’s okay to be gay/The way to fag marriage has been paved/Well this calls for some truth, now/You’re all insane.” The church even Photoshopped hateful little signs on the band’s photo.

Westboro, Weird Al would like a word with you.

Westboro Baptist Church “You Love Sin What A Tragedy” lyrics:

Oh, they imagine
Such a vain thing, the God of the Bible’s no more
And it’s not a sin they cheer
Pushing vile affection with great swelling words
“Being gay is a blessing! What a beautiful wedding!” says the fag’s mom to a hater

And the whole crowd has no shame, what a shame, they’re all fags, fag pimps or whores

We chime in with a
Haven’t you people ever heard of obeying the Word of God?
No, you all rebel against the King of Kings
With a sense of pride and immorality

We chime in
Haven’t you people ever heard of obeying the Word of God?
No, you all rebel against the King of Kings
With a sense of…

Oh! You all say
It’s okay to be gay
The way to fag marriage has been paved
Well this calls for some truth, now

You’re all insane

Oh! You all say
It’s okay to be gay
Because practically fag marriage will stay
Well this calls for some truth

You’re all insane, fags are profane

We chime in with a
Haven’t you people ever heard of obeying the Word of God?
No, you all rebel against the King of Kings
With a sense of pride and immorality again

We chime in
Haven’t you people ever heard of obeying the Word of God?
No, you all rebel against the King of Kings
With a sense of pride and immorality

We chime in
Haven’t you people ever heard of obeying the Word of God?
No, you all rebel against the King of Kings
With a sense of pride and immorality again