Cottonhead: This Morrissey ‘tour cancellation’ shirt is the ultimate concert tee

We’re not sure where it came from, who made it, or how we can get our grubby paws on one, but this “Morrissey tour cancellation” t-shirt is already a must-have for our collection. And though we here in Boston were treated to a rare, incident-free performance by the Mozzer at the Opera House back in June 7, this shirt could make the perfect consolation gift for those in Atlanta, Atlantic City, Brooklyn, and the other cancelled stops on the World Peace Is None Of Your Business tour.

The shirt — perfect for commemorating that highly anticipated show you thought you were going to attend until literally like the day before — has been making the rounds in our social media feeds today, so we wanted to pass it along.

If you have any info on it, hit us up in the comments. And if it’s not real, then someone call Audio Cotton and get this fucker made. It’s perfect for that growing fan base of disgruntled would-be concert-goers…

Moz shirt