Needle Work: Listen to Third Man Records’ Ben Blackwell discuss vinyl at the MFA

Back in March we had the privilege of sitting down with Ben Blackwell, a vinyl collector, musician, archivist for the White Stripes, and so-called “vinyl idealist” of Third Man Records. It was the latest in the Museum of Fine Arts’ lecture program, titled “A Contemporary Record of Rock And Roll,” and it was a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon: talking shop with a decent-sized crowd at the MFA’s Remis Auditorium.

The lecture came and went, and that was it — until a few days ago we realized that we actually tucked a Flipcam up in the sound booth and recorded the damn thing. So we uploaded it to Youtube, if anyone is interested in hearing what was said.

You have to turn the volume up a bit, and squint if you really want to see Ben and I up there on the stage, but it gets the main points of the discussion across.

Oh, and the video ends after 65 minutes, losing the last couple of minutes of the Q&A session. Hey, what can you do.

Check out the video below, just under the event description.

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Having spent more than half his life consumed with all things vinyl, Ben Blackwell’s experience spans everything from first employee and current archivist for the rock duo The White Stripes, recreational Detroit music archaeologist and historian, drumming fool in rock ‘n’ roll juggernaut the Dirtbombs and envelope-pushing vinyl idealist for Third Man Records in Nashville. He can (and will) talk about all these topics and more with interviewer Michael Marotta.

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