Lost Angeles: Exene Cervenka of X thinks the Santa Barbara shooting massacre was a hoax

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Exene Cervenka is “sick of these hoaxes.” No, not the ones about mixing up celebrities when they die, but those bloody massacres that she claims are designed to force stricter gun control laws, which will eventually leave citizens defenseless against the government. The vocalist for revered ’80s punk band X — perhaps Los Angeles’ greatest local band ever — believes the shooting spree at Santa Barbara was staged.

Cervenka fired off a series of tweets yesterday of videos she uploaded to YouTube trying to expose the so-called truth about last week’s shooting that killed 7 and wounded 13.

According to Radio.com: “The 58-year-old frontwoman has added herself to the list of ‘truthers’ who believe Elliot Rodger was just another bad actor in a long line of well-produced hoaxes, which include the Boston Marathon bombings and the attack on the World Trade Center. Calling herself a ‘Conspiracy Therapist,’ Cervenka digs into Elliot Rodger’s videos and various news reports in order to find incongruities.”

Cervenka believes some video of the shooter uses “green screen,” and that debris from the killings was on the site before the shootings. Other recent tweets involve fears of an “Orwellian state” in Jacksonville and fake vaccination programs by the White House.

X is currently not on tour, but Cervenka’s bandmate John Doe plays Brighton Music Hall on June 19.

Here are Cervenka’s tweets from yesterday: