Cheerio No: British cops reprimanded for blaring KRS-One’s ‘Sound of Da Police’ from squad car

Woop-woop — that’s the sound of getting reprimanded.

The two British police officers who replaced their squad car’s traditional siren with KRS-One’s police brutality anthem “Sound of Da Police” have been issued “words of advice” by their superiors.

“Two officers have been given management actions which included words of advice from a senior officer after acknowledging they inappropriately used their patrol car’s PA system,” an Essex Police spokesman told the Essex Chronicle a few days ago.

The cops blared out the 1993 KRS-One track during a late-night patrol back in April. A video of the squad car cruising through town was uploaded to YouTube and the incident brought international attention.

The Essex Chronicle reports that “the pair were spoken to by a senior officer after their actions were filmed by revellers out during the Easter weekend, before being posted to YouTube and Facebook. But their actions attracted widespread support, with Essex Chronicle readers stating it showed the force had a sense of humour.”

An online poll by the UK publication generated nearly 500 responses, with 462 saying the officers should not face disciplinary action.

But no one mentioned “words of advice.”

Here are the culprits in action.

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