The Daily No: Watch ‘Last Week Tonight’s’ John Oliver nail a Morrissey impression


It’s been a banner past few days for Morrissey impersonations. First we found out that the former Smiths singer’s popular and sudden Twitter profile was bigus (we don’t really believe it, though), and now we have John Oliver chiming in with a Moz impression of his own.

The Last Week Tonight host was going on about how “a new landmark European law that would allow people to erase themselves from internet search engines,” according to UPROXX, when he broke into song. “I have / The right to be Forgotten,” the former Daily Show correspondent sang in perfect Moz-like manner. We bet he minds if Jon Stewart forgets him.

And because everything lives forever on the internet — well, except twitter handles, as Moz’s was deleted — the New York Times‘ Dave Itzkoff captured Oliver in all his Morrissey glory for a new front-runner for Vine of the Week.

“John Oliver’s impression of Morrissey is something that needs to be preserved on the Internet,” he wrote.

Check it out below. And as we are legally obligated to point out, Morrissey plays the Boston Opera House on June 7.