An art student named Kayvon Edson allegedly dropped off backpacks on Boylston Street today — here’s his performance art synth-pop video

Today is the one-year anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombings, and despite tensions running high in our city, one art student decided to make a mockery of the day by dropping off backpacks along Boylston Street a few hours ago. Those backpacks were detonated by police around 9 p.m. local time. after authorities secured the area in Back Bay.

Details are still emerging, but word is police have allegedly arrested a man named Kevin “Kayvon” Edson, a Wakefield native and student at Massachusetts College of Art UPDATE: Since press time, Edson’s Facebook page has been changed to state he attends the Fashion Instituteof Technology; as news of the incident started to circulate, his page listed as him currently attending Mass Art.

Back in December, Edson released the above video (half performance art, half shitty synth-pop song), and posted it to Lady Gaga’s Facebook wall. In the clip, it appears he is wearing the same “witch costume” and black veil Edson wore today on Boylston Street.

UPDATE 10:13 p.m. EST:


Edson operates a website called

Barstool Sports was the first to identify the suspect.

Edson has a photo of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as his Facebook banner image, with the caption “he had a blast at the marathon.”

Here is Edson earlier today on Boylston…