Boston & Beyond: Here’s how to connect to our SXSW party with Berklee College of Music

Ahoy, Austin!

There are two ways to connect to our Boston & Beyond party this afternoon at SXSW — you can either watch the livestream below or listen in via Vanya Radio (either on the homepage up top or via TuneIn).

The event is a joint effort between Vanyaland and the Berklee College of music, going down from noon to 6 p.m. Austin time at Brush Square Park at the corner of Trinity and 4th Street.

Our broadcast will start with ThisIs617 at 1 p.m. Boston time, then we’ll start the Boston & Beyond show around 2 p.m. and run video, audio, whateverio, throughout the day

We’ll be broadcasting performances from all the participating bands, including the Field Effect, Cask Mouse, and Evolfo Doofeht, as well as airing on-site interviews and other rad shit as it arises.

And if you’re in the Austin area, come by — just say you’re on Vanyaland’s guest list.
>> Stream will go live around 2 p.m. Boston time <<

Also be sure to stay connected via our social media stream. #VanyaSXSW

An up to the second social stream direct from SXSW.