And then Miley Cyrus covered ‘Hey Ya’ by OutKast and everyone loved her for it

We’re still 39 days away from Miley Cyrus Bangerz tour rolling into Boston, so it’s anyone’s guess whether or not this live cover of OutKast’s “Hey Ya” will still be in her set come April 2.

If not, it’s a damn shame, because our girl’s twangy, stripped-down rendition of perhaps the defining song of the 2000s is actually pretty great. She unleashed it on an unsuspecting Tacoma Dome in Washington state last week, and it was captured in the fan video above.

You can grab all the crotches and blow all the fake Bill Clintons you want, but at the end of the day the best way to get digital headlines is by putting a new spin on an established crowd-pleaser. The Tacoma Dome certainly ate it up.

Go get it girl.

And snatch those necklaces, too.
Oh, by the way, this is topical — Boston Calling has already publicly stated that OutKast are not the special guest band at their upcoming Memorial Day weekend music festival. Shake it and weep.