First Flight: Listen to three new songs from Condor; debut show tonight @ Middlesex

As most of Boston is busy out-snarking each other by live-tweeting the Grammys later tonight, one band will be spreading its own wings for the very first time. They’re called Condor, their main players used to comprise most of beloved dance-pop act Mystery Roar, and they’ve already got the Boston Globe all worked up before playing a single live gig.

Condor’s first flight arrives tonight at the Middlesex Lounge in Cambridge with alongside an Andre Obin live solo set (the drummer of Obin’s backing band, Tucker Dawson, also plays in Condor) and DJ Gucci Vuitton.

To get us familiar with Condor’s slick, hyper-produced electronic sounds, the band has dropped three tracks via Bandcamp that get the party started early. Middlesex should be a wintry sweatbox as soon as they hit the stage.

Someone should live-tweet this show, instead.

Condor Flyer