Stars of the Starting Line: Bernard Butler is running the Virgin London Marathon

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]e’re all aware of the fact that Bernard Butler is a gifted songwriter, guitarist, and producer, but now the former Suede axeman has revealed another talent: Running. Butler will run the Virgin London Marathon on Sunday, April 13, for charity.

According to his Virgin Money Giving page, Butler hopes to raise at least £380 for the Bobath Centre, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with cerebral palsy.

Butler states: “One in 400 children in the UK are diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The condition is caused by damage to a child’s developing brain usually before, during or soon after birth. This disturbs messages between the brain and the muscles so that children with CP find it difficult to control their movement, posture and co-ordination. Most of the time it can’t be foreseen and there is no cure.

That’s the bad news. The good news is that children can grow up to be independent, healthy and happy given the right support. This is where the Bobath Centre comes in. The Bobath Centre has some very skilled physio, occupational and speech & language therapists who specialise in helping children to do ordinary things – like playing, going to school or making friends. I’ve seen first-hand the difference they make to the lives of children and their families.”

If you happen to find yourself in London on April 13, be sure to cheer Bernie B on as he runs for a great cause.