Interview: Trophy Lungs open up on the state of pop-punk, the Boston punk scene, and new record ‘No Judgement’

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Is it true pop-punk is for people who wanna be punk but just 50% of the time?

McGuire: Have you seen Bren’s hair? We are clearly punk 24/7. Supervisor Bren for LYFE.

Bogart: There’s no way to take this question seriously. Zan from the New Warden plays Magic Cards 100% of the time which is punk as fuck, that’s all you need to know.

Guerin: Maybe people in this scene just get a reputation like that because they’re not all super into the “fashion” side of things.

How did the crackdown on DIY shows around Boston affect this particular scene?

McGuire: We were really lucky not to have been affected to hard by that bullshit. We don’t really play that many house shows, which is something we totally want to start doing, so we hope this garbage doesn’t last. I grew up in a scene that was 100% house shows back in Indiana and am convinced they are one of the most important ways this scene stays alive. We have nothing but respect and admiration for those kids who risk their living space to help bands out and we have their back all the way. Fuck BPD for trying to smash something that is nothing but positive just because it’s not making any one any money.

Bogart: There are so many places across the country that have truly amazing people running DIY venues. They 100% support touring bands with food, gas money, and a place to crash which is something that is incredibly important. The fact that tax dollars were put into a crackdown on DIY venues instead of the thousands of more important issue that this city has is baffling.

BPD should spend less time making fake Facebook profiles that say their interests are both “Straight Edge” and “Drugs” and more time fixing their flawed profiling techniques. Every time a band reaches out to us about show in Boston we always find a place to throw them a show (mostly thanks to Ryan Agate) and then let them crash with one of us. Any money that we would have made from that show whether it be from the door or from merch sales we always give to the touring band. If we were able to host a DIY venue that could both throw shows and get involved with the community it would be better for everyone.

Guerin: The whole “undercover punk-police” thing that’s been happening recently in Boston has sort of been an inside joke for bands. It is a shame that it’s getting harder and harder for DIY house venues to operate, but people who have a desire to put on shows like that always seem to find a way to keep operating.

You just released a video for your new song, “Dad’s Away On Business,” but there’s no subplot involving one of your friends dressed up like a Dad who goes away while all the kids have a show or break dishes or do other things kids do while the parents are away. Did you deliberately avoid this obvious video storyline?

McGuire: Dude, that’s the second time some one asked me about that this week and I really just never even considered that idea. Which I’m happy about, because its stupid.

Guerin: Honestly we just never even thought of doing that! Also our whole thing is just partying with our friends and having a good time, so it was a pretty easy call for how the video was gonna look.

Bogart: That video was super fun to do. It wasn’t as much of a video shoot as it was Todd from Maximum Hesh being cool enough to let us throw a party in his shop and our dude Jonas from Emvision Productions shooting it. Both solid dudes and everyone should look them up and support their businesses.

Who is the “Dad” of Trophy Lungs, and if he went away on business, what kind of business would it be?

McGuire: Is Kevin the dad? God I hope not. Though that would explain a whole lot of our behavior. I could see Kev going out for a pack of smokes and then just never coming home…

Bogart: I play enough Keno and drink enough whiskey to be the dad. I’ll teach you how to put the puck in the net and then knock out the opposing team’s coach.

Guerin: I’d say Kevin is definitely our dad, which means we’re all gonna grow up to be pretty maladjusted people. His business would probably be one that he had to lie to his kids about and cheat on his taxes for.

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