Deal with the Devils fans: Bon Jovi song booed out of New Jersey hockey arena

Bon Jovi, meet Katy Perry. Now GTFO.

A few weeks ago, Cincinnati Bengals fans spoke out on social media against Paul Brown Stadium playing Perry’s Top 40 pop hit “Roar” during player introductions. Now, Bon Jovi is getting the same treatment — in his own home state.

New Jersey Devils fans have literally booed Bon Jovi’s “This Is Our House” out of the Prudential Center. At their home opener in Newark Friday night, arena officials spun the 2011 rock track as the Devils new official goal song, replacing Gary Glitter’s infamous “Rock & Roll Part II.”

As you can hear at the end of the video above, first reported by Puck Daddy, fans weren’t feeling it.

Devils officials wanted to replace Glitter for two reasons: One, he’s a convicted child molester, and most pro teams have now ridden themselves of the one-time sports arena staple; and two, Devils fans have famously added a “You suck!” chant every time the song airs (see video below for an audio clip).

So hey, why not call on one of the Garden State’s favorite songs to replace Glitter and stir up some hometown Jersey pride, right? Not so fast. Fans were so loud in their displeasure Friday night, the team has already scrapped the song. According to Devils fan club the Section 233 Crazies a few minutes ago:

Today the Devils organization had a meeting and they will use a different song over the next 3 home games and have some kind of fan vote from what I was told. So its up to us fans on what the next goal song will be. It will NOT be the Hey song. They stressed it is not coming back. So Devils fans we have to forget about the hey song and move on from this. They want to change the culture. Having a song where the fans say “YOU SUCK!” they feel is not right anymore. Its not a good fit.

There have been many complaints by the fans about changing the goal song since opening night. The Devils do not want to bring back that song and they do not want to hear the “YOU SUCK!” I tried to explain to them this has been the Devils culture for years now with the Hey song and we have been through this once before and it failed miserably. They understand the fans are unhappy and do not like change but the Hey song is not coming back. I said if you want to see the Devils fans happy then bring back the Hey song! Some fans have called in and emailed to the Devils they are thinking of boycotting the games until the Hey song comes back which I think that is a bit overboard there. To each is own I guess and its their money and tickets.

We will have to wait and see what they are going to do and which songs they are going to use during the next three home games. It will be interesting. Still think this is going to fail once again but the Devils are set on not bringing the Hey song back!

So no Bon Jovi, but who knows what the team will come up with. As long as it’s not Priyanka Chopra’s “In My City” we’ll be cool with it.

For background, here are Devils fans in action with the “You Suck!” chant. In Lou We Trust.

Homepage Bon Jovi photo by David Bergman