Daykamp Creative organizes two nights of rock and roll and gig posters @ T.T. The Bear’s Place

[dropcap]R[/dropcap]eal talk: When we launched our special section called Look At This Effing Flyer — note to self, create the October edition — we did it with Daykamp Creative in mind. The Waltham-based design team of Nicole and Johnny Anguish were creating gig posters of such high quality and engaging visuals, that we wanted to create a forum to showcase them as much as the live shows they were pimping. On October 10 and 18 at T.T. The Bear’s Place, Daykamp’s designs come to life (no not literally, though that would be cool) with a two-night exhibit and rock show curated by the Anguishes (Angui?).

Night 1 features the Susan Constant, Eddie Japan, Parlour Bells, and Gymnasium, with ad hoc acoustic performances by Davina Yannetty, Phil Wisdom, & David Mirabella. [facebook event page]

Night 2 welcomes Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, Sidewalk Driver, Reverse, Garvy J and the Secret Pockets of Hope and Resistance, and a don’t-call-it-a-Scamper-reunion spin from Nate Rogers, Brendan Boogie, & Mike Mirabella. [facebook event page]

Let’s get loud, let’s get visual.

Check out the promo gospel from T.T.’s booker Richard Bouchard, as well as some tunes, and, of course, Daykamp’s official show poster. Because that’s why we’re all here, right?

When I was first hired to do booking at T.T. the Bear’s Place, one of the first things I wanted to do was set up a show with Nicole and Johnny Anguish of Daykamp Creative and Daykamp Music, respectively. I’ve been hiring Nicole to create show posters since back in the Boston Band Crush days, usually giving her no guidance other than the list of bands and the date of the show. She always delivers an incredibly eye-catching, colorful design that doesn’t just provide information; it’s something I want to hang on my wall forever. Then there’s Johnny, always front and center for a rock show before posting amazing photo recaps on his Daykamp Music website. They tirelessly support the music community here, and knowing that I wasn’t the only one to feel that way, I felt that it was high time they present a show. Not just any show, mind you, I wanted them to pick the bands – artists they’ve worked with over the years and bands they’re longtime fans of – but I also wanted to display their work in the club for everyone to see. After some brief discussion, Nicole emailed me back: “We’re thinking we need to do two nights…”

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