“With All The Soul In The World”: Morrissey’s dramatic apology letter re-imagined as song lyrics

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ast week we reported that Morrissey had come down with a case of food poisoning and was forced to cancel a Latin American run of tour dates. Nixing concerts in 2013 is nothing new for the former Smiths frontman, who has cancelled or postponed more than 50 shows so far this year. He’s only performed 15 gigs as planned.

But on Friday the Mozzer took to the True To You fan site and explained the deal. He even apologized to his fans, and the whole thing… well, if you break up the lines… they could be read as song lyrics. At the very least, they’re better than “Something Is Squeezing My Skull.”

In the note, which you can read in its original paragraph form in the link above, Moz signed off by writing “with all the soul in the world,” so we’ll make that not only the name of the track, but also the chorus, and tuck it in where appropriate.

Pro tip: Sing it out loud / read it your head just like the Mozzer would. It adds proper effect.

Morrissey “With All The Soul In The World”
2013, all rights reserved

I can’t give words to the sorrow I feel
At the loss of perfect Peru
Oh, black cloud
After such a victorious and uplifting welcome of Lima love
The contaminated jinx
Had its way
Via a simple restaurant meal of penne pasta and tomato

Three hours later
Both I and security Liam
Have collapsed with a deadly and delirious
Bedridden disease
Five days of round-the-clock medical supervision
Just barely controls
The corrosively toxic food poisoning

I know my luck too well [repeat 2x]

Sorrow replaces joy
And in every dream home a heartache
It could only be me

With All The Soul In The World
With All The Soul In The World
With All The Soul
In The World

I have returned to Los Angeles
And to the expert supervision of my doctor Jeremy Fine
Who assures me
That I shall
Be fine

[Spoken by Boz Boorer] Although not in the gossamer, powdery sense

For our upcoming shows in Argentina and Brazil
I have absolutely no idea
Where my
Chile has gone

I know my luck too well [repeat 2x]

Sorrow replaces joy
And in every dream home a heartache
It could only be me.

With All The Soul In The World
With All The Soul In The World
With All The Soul
In The World

In the heat of cancellations and postponements
The humiliation and mortification I feel
On a personal level
Is too mammoth to be measured

If my spirits climb down any lower
I could never again find the dignity
To stand upright
We all live at the mercy of biological chance
And although I am not one to take refuge in clichés
I repeat my very servile apologies
To any and all
Who back-packed their way to Peru
Alas, the dark shadow made the same journey
Each year of life brings us nearer to our decline
But I will continue to seek a listener until I’m dead in a ditch

With All The Soul In The World
I know my luck too well
With All The Soul In The World
I know my luck too well
With All The Soul In The World

I know my luck too well
I know my luck too well [fade out]

12 July 2013, Los Angeles.