morgxn reveals a personal alt-pop anthem in ‘Carry The Weight’

Anyone who tuned in to our weekly V:Music playlists throughout 2k17 got quickly acclimated to morgxn, and anyone who saw his set opening for Phoebe Ryan last fall was certain big things awaited.

Now the Nashville native is raising the stakes with “Carry The Weight,” a bombastic alt-pop thumper that morgxn describes as his “personal anthem.” And its source is heavy.

“The origins of this song are still a mystery to me but it found its lyric at the first Women’s March in New York,” he writes on Facebook. “I got to march in it with my mom, my brother and his wife. It was powerful to stand with everyone that day. But while walking to the march I got called a f***** by someone walking the other way. I brushed it off at the time because the day was so magnetic. But as time went on I realized that what has been so triggering for me is that I didn’t learn how to stand up for myself. From an early age there was this part of me I felt ashamed about. And even though we are existing in a time of Me Too and Time’s Up… where is the words for sensitive queer bxys who are just learning to stand up for themselves?”

The rousing track will be featured on morgxn’s debut album Vital, out May 18.

“What if our voices feel stuck? What if we aren’t sure we have the strength?” he asks. “‘Carry The Weight’…exists because I am constantly learning to stand up for myself and for my family & friends.”

Featured image by Sam San Roman.

morgxn live:
June 9 to 10 – Cleveland, OH @ LaureLive
June 14 to 17 – Dover, DE @ Firefly Festival
August 2 to 4 – Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza
September 21 to 22 – Ithaca, NY @ Cayuga Sound Festival