Council on Aging: The Grownup Noise re-emerge as a trio, experience a rebirth

A band known as the Grownup Noise can never really grow up. It just has to evolve.

That’s the latest from the Boston group, which released one of the more underrated local albums in last years Stewing, and played our inaugural Sound Of Our Town party at Lawn On D back in 2014. Led by songwriter, singer, and guitarist Paul Hansen, the Grownup Noise have undergone a bit of a re-birth, realigning as an indie-folk trio with Rachel Gawell on cello and vocals and Yuriana Sobrino on drums and vocals.

The band plays Atwood’s Tavern in Cambridge tonight.

Gawell was the original cellist for Ballroom Thieves, while Sobrino is known among the city’s jazz and Latin scenes. “The band is only three people now, but with a lot of firepower,” Hansen tells Vanyaland. “The stage show feels like it’s higher energy, we’re playing a batch of new songs and also new interpretations of old Grownup Noise tunes. I was ready to power down a little and do solo shows, but with this group — shit, now I want to try and approach labels again.”

Check out a preview of the new sound below via the Grownup Noise Twitter, and peep the show flyer designed by Tyler Littwin.
