Miss Stella Ear: Providence mayor discusses blizzard in front of Wu-Tang Clan vinyl

Providence might need to diversify its bans.

The Rhode Island capital city is currently under threat of a winter storm named Stella, and yesterday, Mayor Jose Elorza spoke to the media about what residents can expect from this whole ordeal. It was the usual stuff we, assume — stay indoors, no parking on main streets, buy all the bread and milk you can. But what was unexpected was the impromptu media session with WPRI-12 took place in front of Elorza’s vinyl copy of Wu-Tang Clan’s 1993 classic album Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers).

The cameo was spotted by Justin Case of Providence, who posted a photo to his Facebook that has now been shared more than 450 times.

“So the mayor of Providence has the ‘Enter the Wu-tang’ album just laying around his office…..I can’t even be mad lol… Parking Rules Everything Around Me, PREAM! Check the meters, dolla dolla bill ya’ll”

Your move, Marty Walsh. And Godsmack vinyl doesn’t count.