Sheila Take A Growl: Morrissey to host pop-up MPORIUM shop at Brooklyn dog rescue

When it comes to Morrissey, canine Smiths fans have for years been singing “Please Please Please Let Me Pet What I Want”. Next weekend in Brooklyn, they will get that chance in the unlikeliest of places, as Moz is reportedly hosting a pop-up shop called MPORIUM at Flatbush’s Sugar Mutts Rescue.

The pop-up shop will be open for business on Saturday, September 24 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the day of Morrissey’s scheduled show at Flatbush’s Kings Theatre, and then again on Sunday, September 25 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

No word on whether or not the frontman will make an appearance, but we’ll all realize that some dogs are bigger than others, and if we’re lucky, there will be a bite that never goes out.

Here’s more from the paws of Brooklyn Mag:

“It’s not clear what will actually be sold the MPORIUM shop, but the Facebook post mentions exclusive limited edition tee shirt designs, as well as 100 limited edition bundles, which will include numbered posters, pillowcases and pens, and one poster that will be raffled off and signed by Morrissey.

When you think about random places that Morrissey could’ve held a pop-up event, an animal shelter probably wouldn’t have been very far down the list; he’s a long-time animal rights activist, and this dog shelter clearly found a place close to his heart. Sugar Mutts was founded by Amy Marciano; she believes that all dogs are created equal, rescuing dogs from other shelters around the city, where they’d otherwise be euthanized due to lack of space and resources. A fee and a percentage of the Pop-up’s proceeds will go to the animal shelter. This is a cool event, and one that the Morrissey and Smiths fans around the borough will want to take advantage of.”

But don’t take their word for it; why don’t you find out fur yourself.
