
Bleach the Sky reach cruising altitude with the blistering ‘Hollow Chest’

Via the band

It’s all too appropriate for a band called Bleach The Sky to reach cruising altitude almost immediately with their new single. But that’s the case for “Hollow Chest,” the blistering new track from the Boston alt-rock band that not only hits the streams today (June 30), but also wastes no time in making the kind of impression that would have landed the band firmly into MTV’s Buzz Bin.

The 2023 Rumble participants have more new music on the way later this year, but the volume gets cranked on the eve of the long holiday weekend with this towering barnstormer that pierces right out of the gate, letting up only occasionally to build a release a furious sonic tension.

“‘Hollow Chest’ is a song that we’ve been kicking around for a while,” Bleach The Sky tell Vanyaland. “Zach [Kraft, vocals/guitar] originally brought a skeleton-version of it that he had worked on and each band member contributed with great additions and ideas. The idea was to make a track with a memorable chorus and a driving bass line that was energetic but also had sort of an ominous vibe to it.”

The track was recorded in Bayonne, New Jersey, with Adam Cichocki and Jon Markson, who previously produced Bleach The Sky’s 2022 single “I Just Fade,” which also glowed with ’90s-era alt-rock ambition. “They did a great job deconstructing the demo and making the song really hit hard,” the band adds.

Crank it up.
