Linda Varg throws down the empower-pop gauntlet with ‘Fuck It Up’

Photo Credit: Marcus Vall

Naming your new single “Fuck It Up” is certain to draw attention. But for Swedish pop artist Linda Varg, that’s just fine. In fact, she welcomes it, as her latest dose of empower-pop may be abrasive on the title card, but under the aggressive surface is a tender sentiment of self-realization and a decision to refuse giving in to anyone else’s needs or narrative. She’s growing stronger, she’s growing bigger, despite what those around us may say or do.

“We should not blame others,” Varg admits. “Even though in most cases it starts with someone doing or saying something bad to us, for me it started when I was very young. A woman who was older than me couldn’t handle that I was happy, unafraid and talented. They said things to me that made me unsure of myself and that’s when I started to make myself smaller. In Sweden we have a special word, kind of like an unwritten law and it’s ‘Jantelagen’ — which means that you should never think that you are someone and should never stand out and shine more than anyone else. I hate that law! Every single person should shine!!!”

Varg shines here with the glowing and galloping “Fuck It Up,” which will be featured on her upcoming debut full length album, released by Fifth Island Music/Sony Music. Get rowdy below.