This Show Is Tonight: Geordie Greep upgrades to Paradise

Courtesy of Crossroads Presents

Everyone loves an upgrade. So we were chuffed around the holidaze to see that Geordie Greep’s  show tonight (February 7) here in Boston was been bumped up to the Paradise Rock Club, allowing for a few hundred more spectators than what the originally-booked room of Brighton Music Hall could hold.

And it makes sense, as the Black Midi co-founder is on a solo hot streak with the release of eccentric new album The New Sound, an expansive alternative pop record led by the tireless single “Holy, Holy.”

Says Greep: “With recording The New Sound, it was the first time I have had no one to answer to. And with every impulse I had, I was able to completely follow it through to its conclusion. Being in a band (Black Midi), we often have this ‘we can do everything’ feeling, but you are also kind of limited in that approach, and sometimes it’s good to do something else, to let go of things.”

Greep brought in more than 30 session musicians for the record, though we’re not sure how many bodies he’ll bring on stage with tonight. But all we really need is one.

GEORDIE GREEP + NNAMDÏ :: Friday, February 7 at The Paradise Rock Club, 967 Commonwealth Ave. in Boston, MA :: 6:30 p.m., all ages, $27 :: Event info :: Advance tickets