Chainlacing provide the gloom of New England autumn with ‘Time Away’

It’s only mid-August, but the sound of New England autumn has already arrived.

It comes from Chainlacing, a New Hampshire duo self-described as “lo fi experimental gloom”, and that’s nothing we’re prepared to argue against. The recently offered “Time Away” is the project’s remarkable debut single (released August 13), and it expands a grayscale comfort over its five shadowy minutes, slowly blooming into the type of blissed out invitation that pierces with a rounded blade through the crisp fall air.

Any effort to secure context and background info this collaboration between Lauren Crosser and Rick Martel was thwarted by our repeated listens, though the band offers this peek behind the creative curtain via Bandcamp: “started with lauren playing guitar and singing words in boston… produced and recorded by rick martel in seacoast new hampshire”

A hazy blanket of truth trapped in your playlist’s usual lies, “Time Away” opens with a gentle acoustic and atmospheric tumble before a cascading guitar rev instigates a wave of noise, growing louder the further away it goes, opening a panoramic portal that constricts tighter and more focused with each ‘gaze of intent.

Dive into it now, and safety tuck it away for that first startling temperature drop that marks a welcome change of season.