Boston Calling 2024 Homegrown Artist Profile: Tysk Tysk Task

Photo Credit: Sam Schofield

Editor’s Note: In addition to our ongoing preview coverage, Vanyaland and Boston Calling are teaming up once again to showcase the homegrown bands and artists that help shape the local flavor of the city’s most vital music festival. Boston Calling’s ’24 headliners — The Killers, Ed Sheeran, Tyler Childers — and its remarkable undercard are well-known and established; but over the next few weeks, keep it locked as we profile the New England talent that decorates the lineup like few other major festivals in the region. More than a decade in the game, Vanyaland and Boston Calling continue to showcase Boston in new ways, and as usual, we have the sounds to prove it. 

Artist: Tysk Tysk Task

When and where: Performing live on Sunday, May 26 at 2:50 p.m. on the Orange Stage.

Artist bio:

Tysk Tysk Task is a four-piece indie grunge band from the woods of Lowell, Massachusetts. We are Samantha Hartsel (guitar, vox), Rick Martel (second guitar), Kyle Griffin (bass), and Matt Graber (drums).

Listen to Tysk Tysk Task on Spotify:

What we’ve written: Tysk Tysk Task on Vanyaland:

Follow @tysktysktask on Instagram:

Watch Tysk Tysk Task on YouTube:

For all our coverage leading up to, during, and recapping Boston Calling Music Festival, keep it locked to Vanyaland.