Maeko puts a face to rigid thinking as ‘Mr. Logical’


Behold, the new poster boy for black and white thinking: “Mr. Logical.” A personification of cold, calculated analysis, the new character is the creation of Maeko, who assumes this leading role in his new video from last week (March 15).

Mr. Logical is admittedly an “exaggerated version” of the Boston artist, who attempts to yank his character out of an endless loop of overthinking in the stylish visual. As Maeko’s titular mister pores over a chess board, debating his next turn from every angle — likely a metaphor for making moves in real life — his fishing rod dangles over a sewer drain in an attempt to catch “a break.” The video portrays “inviting him [Mr. Logical] back into the grey, out of the black and white, just trying to find that middle ground,” Maeko explained in a Reel on Instagram. “That rigid thinker, he’s stuck where he is, stuck in his ways, he’s in that box.”

When Mr. Logical finally reels in a new perspective, Maeko’s breezy pop wafts away his worries. “Show me the love that we need / We could be carried away,” he proclaims on the bridge, buoyed by a new life in Technicolor.

“I hope this songs serves as an awareness of when you’re getting too tied up in your logic and when you might need to kind of step into more of the magic of life and see things from a different perspective,” Maeko concludes. “Sometimes all it takes is just a little tweak.”

Do the logical thing and tune in below.
