Surprise Baby ride off into iridescent escapism with ‘Motorcycle’

Photo Credit: India Coombs

There have been more than a few bands with “Baby” in their monikers over the years (what ever happened to Amazing Baby?!), but few have caught us off-guard quite like Surprise Baby. The Los Angeles-based project of songwriter Sarsten Noice and producer Claire Morison, two longtime friends and Montana natives, make a celestial statement today (August 30) with “Motorcycle,” a daydreaming floater that corrals meandering riffs and escapist desire, centering around abandoning a relationship and fleeing to New York.

And that’s wholly relatable.

“Call it a quarter life crisis, call it fear of commitment, the feeling is that of running away,” elaborates Noice. “There is also a sentiment of not wanting your partner to worry over you, and making the unrealistic promise that you won’t die on the road. The fact that the narrator believes so deeply they won’t die while simultaneously desiring to be as close to danger as possible is the irony of the song itself.”

An EP is well on the way from the duo, and it should continue to open up Surprise Baby’s panoramic world of songwriting, with lyrical themes centering on relationships, self-growth, spirituality, and transformation. “I try to create imagery that accurately captures a specific feeling and then allow myself to build lyrics in an abstract way, opposed to straightforward storytelling,” Noice concludes. “This I hope leaves the songs open to the listeners’ interpretation.”

Escape any way you see fit below.