Whale City Comedy Festival set for a Labor Day weekend maiden voyage

Via Artist

In the event that you’re in the planning stages of your summer’s last hurrah over Labor Day weekend, something fresh and fun is going down in New Bedford, and it’s shaping up to be a whale of a good time.

As announced earlier this week, a boatload of top-tier comedy is coming to the south coast of Massachusetts over the holiday weekend with the maiden voyage of the Whale City Comedy Festival, running for four days from August 31 to September 3. With shows in both New Bedford and Westport, the festival boasts a lineup of both local favorites and nationally recognized talent including Anthony DeVito, Ray Harrington, Sean Donnelly, Brieana Woodward, Chris Post, Emily Ruskowski, Jason Cordova, Kindra Lansburg, and many more.

In the spirit of Whale City Comedy’s origins as a monthly BYOB comedy show started in New Bedford, three out of the four nights will follow the same structure, while the laughs are bound to flow as freely as the brewskis.

Tickets for all shows are on sale now, and all ticket and event info can be found at whalecitycomedy.com.