Yuck Fest set to make its Boston debut this fall with comedy and music

Photo Credit: Corey Hendrickson

While the tourist-y landmark spots of Boston tend to shine the brightest, we’ve also come to experience plenty of the nostalgically gross spots too, from Downtown Crossing in the summer and the Common after dark, to Downtown Crossing in the spring, fall and winter. We’ve seen it all. It’s just yucky.

But somehow, things are about to get even more yucky around town this fall, with the help of Yuck Fest, and some top-tier comedians and musical artists.

As announced over the weekend, Yuck Fest will be making its way from its Midwest roots to set up shop for its inaugural Boston edition from October 19 to 21. Founded by comedian Katlin McFee, who first launched the fest in Indianapolis in 2019, the weekend-long celebration of music and comedy comes to the East Coast for the first time already boasting a locally sourced and nationally recognizable power-packed lineup featuring Bethany Van Delft (pictured), Daniel Van Kirk, Gordon Baker-Bone (who will also be unleashing a fresh edition of Drunk Black History alongside co-host and fellow comic Brandon Collins), Michael Christmas, and Zahid Dewji.

Additional artists, venues, tickets and full schedules for the weekend’s festivities will be announced soon. Check back here for updated information, and keep an eye out for tickets and other announcements at yuckfestboston.com